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 FIGO Award - Ishraq Dhaifalah               2.11.2006

Ishraq Dhaifalah

We are proud to announce, that Ishraq Dhaifalah won the competition for recognition of a women in OB/GYN announced by FIGO few months ago.The competition was based mainly in CV and the progress in carrier.


Dr. Ishraq Dhaifalah graduated from Sana'a University Faculty of Medicine Yemen in 1991. Followed by one year  internship at different departments. For the year 1993 she had been working as a general physician at the Gynecology/Obstetric department, Althawra Hospital Sana'a, Yemen. In 1994 she got a post graduate diploma in Gynecology/Obstetrics from the Ministry of Health, Sana'a, Yemen. She was one of the best students, which gave her the chance to work as an assistant teacher at the Faculty of Medicine at Sana'a University. Then she was awarded by a Yemeni scholarship from Sana'a University to continue her post graduate studies in the Czech Republic. Dr. Dhaifalah, by the end of 1996 finished her training at the University Hospital in Olomouc and had her specialization exam in Gynecology/Obstetrics at the Institute of Postgraduate studies of Physicians and Pharmacists, Prague, Czech Republic. Then she was supported by both Yemeni and Czech Universities to get her PhD. In the year 2002 she got the digree of PhD from the Medical Faculty, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Rep. The title of her thesis was "Uterine Rupture, incidence, risk factors and outcomes. At Althawra Hospital, Sana'a Yemen". For the interest of Dr. Dhaifalah in the field of genetic and fetal medicine she got the chance to work at the Department of Medical Genetics and Fetal Medicine Olomouc, University Hospital, Czech Rep and to get her specialization exam in this field in the year 2005 at the Institute of Postgraduate studies of Physicians and Pharmacists, Prague, Czech Republic. Since then she was also involved in teaching program of the university.
 She was invited to different university hospitals in different places for short study stages for example, Frauen Clinic and Marien Hospital in Darmstadt, Germany for some training in operative gynecology, Department of Prenatal Diagnosis at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Holland for High-risk pregnancy and prenatal diagnosis training. Her interest then was focused in the field of Fetal Medicine. During the last few years she visited the Harries Birth Right Center Kings College Hospital in London, United Kingdom several times, for more training in the field of fetal medicine under the supervision of Prof. K. Nicolaides.
She received several certificates in the field of fetal medicine from the Fetal Medicine Foundation London. She was one of the first who introduced the screening program for chromosomal and congenital abnormalities in the first trimester of pregnancy in the Czech Republic and got a certification for her department in Olomouc, Czech Republic as the first training center of Fetal Medicine Foundation of London in the Czech Republic and became the manager and the trainer of this screening program in her department and the contact of the fetal medicine foundation in the Czech republic.
Dr. Dhaifalah was very active person since she was a student. She participated in different social, political and scientific activities. Her main focus was women health development and progress.  She participated in many national and international congresses and had many publications and presentations. Her personality showed the ability of creation, developing and organizing national and international relationships

Complete curriculum vitae click here.   


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