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 Diagnostika a růst plodu               2.4.2018

Ve zvláštím monotematickém únorovém čísle American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology www.ajog.org  vyšel soubor článků zabývajících se růstem plodu. Pokrývá celém spektrum této problematiky a současných znalostí. Všechny články jsou volně přístupné v celém znění.


Seznam článků:

1.Customized growth charts: rationale, validation and clinical benefits Gardosi, Jason et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S609 - S618

2.Fetal size standards to diagnose a small- or a large-for-gestational-age fetus  Romero, Roberto et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S605 - S607

3.Fetal Growth: Evaluation and Management Romero, Roberto et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S608

4.A placenta clinic approach to the diagnosis and management of fetal growth restriction Kingdom, John C. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S803 - S817

5.What birthweight percentile is associated with optimal perinatal mortality and childhood education outcomes? McEwen, Ellie C. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S712 - S724

6.Is there a role for placental senescence in the genesis of obstetric complications and fetal growth restriction? Sultana, Zakia et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S762 - S773

8.Risk of fetal death in growth-restricted fetuses with umbilical and/or ductus venosus absent or reversed end-diastolic velocities before 34 weeks of gestation: a systematic review and meta-analysis Caradeux, J. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S774 - S782.e21

9.Long-term cardiovascular consequences of fetal growth restriction: biology, clinical implications, and opportunities for prevention of adult disease Crispi, Fatima et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S869 - S879

10.Customized vs INTERGROWTH-21st standards for the assessment of birthweight and stillbirth risk at term  Francis, Andre et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S692 - S699

11.Evidence-based national guidelines for the management of suspected fetal growth restriction: comparison, consensus, and controversy McCowan, Lesley M. et al.American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S855 - S868

12.The World Health Organization fetal growth charts: concept, findings, interpretation, and application Kiserud, Torvid et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S619 - S629

13.The INTERGROWTH-21st fetal growth standards: toward the global integration of pregnancy and pediatric care Papageorghiou, Aris T. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S630 - S640

14.Fetal growth standards: the NICHD fetal growth study approach in context with INTERGROWTH-21st and the World Health Organization Multicentre Growth Reference Study Grantz, Katherine L. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S641 - S655.e28

15.Fetal growth velocity and body proportion in the assessment of growth Hiersch, Liran et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S700 - S711.e1

16.Screening for fetal growth restriction using fetal biometry combined with maternal biomarkers Gaccioli, Francesca et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S725 - S737

17.Antenatal glucocorticoids, magnesium sulfate, and mode of birth in preterm fetal small for gestational age Ting, Joseph Y. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S818 - S828

18.Outcome in early-onset fetal growth restriction is best combining computerized fetal heart rate analysis with ductus venosus Doppler: insights from the Trial of Umbilical and Fetal Flow in Europe Frusca, TizianaHecher, Kurt et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S783 - S789

19.Individualized growth assessment: conceptual framework and practical implementation for the evaluation of fetal growth and neonatal growth outcome Deter, Russell L. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S656 - S678

20.The satisfactory growth and development at 2 years of age of the INTERGROWTH-21st Fetal Growth Standards cohort support its appropriateness for constructing international standards Villar, JoséKatz, M. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S841 - S854.e2

22.The effect of customization and use of a fetal growth standard on the association between birthweight percentile and adverse perinatal outcome Sovio, Ulla et al.  American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S738 - S744

23.Pathophysiology of placental-derived fetal growth restriction Burton, Graham J. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2, S745 - S761

24.The role of aspirin, heparin, and other interventions in the prevention and treatment of fetal growth restriction Groom, Katie M. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S829 - S840

25.A new customized fetal growth standard for African American women: the PRB/NICHD Detroit study Tarca, Adi L. et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S679 - S691.e4

26.Diagnosis and surveillance of late-onset fetal growth restriction Figueras, Francesc et al. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Volume 218 , Issue 2 , S790 - S802.e1

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